Saturday, July 2, 2011

Spotlight Saturday - Kim Kardashian & Vera Wang

Kim Kardashian is in the spotlight once again as she was seen leaving fashion designer Vera Wang's bridal shop with none other than Wang herself.  It has been stated that Vera Wang is quite chummy with the Kardashian clan and even designed the dress Kim's sister Chloe wore when she wed basketball star Lamar Odom.  The reason Kim's in the spotlight today is because of the hideous leopard jump suit she was spotted wearing.  Speculations have been rising as to whether or not the piece is a 'Wang'? Whatever/whoever it is, it's nothing short of disastrous!  And for that matter, what the heck is up with Vera with the shorts over slacks and not to be too bold but seriously with the 'no bra', you are not 15! I'm throwing her in the spotlight too! What were ya'll thinking?!
: ,

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